

  • Atomtronics @CCBPP Benasque

    May 31, 2024 in News

    Last week, Edoardo Ballini, from the group of Università di Trento led by Prof. Philipp Hauke, presented his research within the NeQST project on quantum Zeno transition and dynamical post selection for error mitigation in lattice gauge theories at …

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  • QUANTUMatter 24

    May 13, 2024 in News

    We had a great time at the international conference QUANTUMatter 24 last week in Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain, where we presented our recent work on error mitigation in quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories.

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  • NeQST Website

    February 17, 2023 in News

    We are happy to announce that the official NeQST website was launched today. Check out the related Deliverable D5.2 — Website online and fully operational.

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